IMDb My page on the Internet Movie Database.
Roberto Lombardi (III).
Access My page, also includes my resume & acting
Casting Call
Pro My page, also includes my resume &
acting credits.
Explore Talent My page, also includes my
resume & acting credits.
NY Castings My page, also includes my resume
& acting credits.
Lemon Casting My online resume at Mike Lemon
Lange Resume My online resume at Greer Lange
Talent Agency.
Agency Pro Talent My online resume at Agency Pro
My page on MySpace.com - My Acting & Music resume is listed
My business page on Linked In
YouTube My page on YouTube.com. I will be
posting a lot of video here.
iSound My page on iSound.com
- Main music purchase site.
Local Band Network
The source for local bands & what they're up to - This
is my page.
Facebook My profile on Facebook.
Listal (Music & Movies) My profile on Listal.
Twitter My Twitter account.
RTL Productions & Roberto Lombardi on Vimeo.
Flixter My official page on Flixter movies.
Music Might Most comprehensive site for all kinds of
Rock!! Look for "The End", "The Rage",
"Road Trip", "Red Sky" & "April Fool".
Rate Your Music
Focusing on recordings of all kinds. "April Fool",
"The Rage', "The End", "Road Trip", "Red Sky", "The Facts"
and "Stone Cold" are included.
Tartarean Desire
Great site site for "heavier" type bands - "April Fool",
"The Rage" & "Cinderella" appear there.
Splinter The official website for former
"April Fool" guitarist George Smith's
band "Splinter".
Fox The official "Britny Fox" web site.
Joe Bisbing The official website
for former "April Fool" & "Razamanaz"
bassist Joe Bisbing.
Cinderella The official "Cinderella" web site.
Philadelphia citypaper A good source for music
(Red Sky was featured here).
TOWN Philadelphia Magazine - another good
source for music.
Edge The official "Heaven's Edge" web site.
CD Baby
"Red Sky" & "Road Trip" are available here.
Amazon.com "Red Sky", "Splinter", "Britny
Fox", "Cinderella" are all available here.
Eventually my whole music catalogue will be on this great
download site.
Cadmus Band The official Bobby
Cadmus Band website - Joe Russo of "Road Trip" is
also in this
Metal Heads United The only link I know of to
the 80's Philly / South NJ metal club scene.
Jay Regan
The official website of former "April Fool" & "Dezire"
vocalist Jay J. Regan.
Varulven Records The
official website of Count Joe Viglione & Varulven Records.
Joe also has many blog related addresses.
Ballerini The official website of former "Road
Trip" vocalist Kris Ballerini.
Origivation Magazine Great magazine featuring the
Philly music scene. Also on MySpace.